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Let's find out the cause of MFOX and its infection route!!

by Elysia 1 2023. 5. 9.

Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention


1. Causes and symptoms of MFOX

Fox is a type of E. coli, a serious infectious disease that can occur in the colon. This infectious disease mainly causes symptoms such as constipation, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and fever, and can sometimes lead to blood E. coli infection.

The main cause of MFOX infection is when ingested through contaminated food or water. In particular, meat and dairy products with high bioconsciousness, fresh vegetables and fruits are foods at high risk of MFOX infection. Also, MFOX can spread from person to person.

2, Status of MPOX patients in Korea

The status of MPOX outbreaks in South Korea varies from year to year, but according to a recently released 2022 report by the Ministry of Health and Welfare, there were a total of 157 MPOX patients in 2021. MFOX infection can usually be prevented by following personal hygiene and food safety rules, so you should try to follow the food poisoning prevention rules thoroughly.

3. Current status of MPOX patients in the world

Mfox is one of the infectious diseases that occurs worldwide, and large populations around the world are at risk of contracting Mfox.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), as of 2019, there are more than 160,000 deaths from E. coli infections in the world, of which MFOX accounts for a significant proportion. Worldwide, the number of cases of MFOX is estimated to be around 5.5 million per year, meaning that many people are infected with MFOX every year, leading to disease or death.

The global outbreak of MFOX can occur when personal hygiene and food safety rules are not strictly followed, so it is important to handle food safely and pay special attention to hand hygiene to prevent food poisoning.

4. M.Pox and two monkeys

Both MPox and monkey intestines are infectious diseases caused by E. coli, but there are differences in causative bacteria and symptoms.

MPox is a type of E. coli, and when infected with Mfox, symptoms such as diarrhea, abdominal pain, and fever appear. MPox occurs mainly when consumed through water and food, especially meat, dairy products, and fresh vegetables and fruits are foods that are at high risk of infection.

On the other hand, monkeypox is an infectious disease caused by infection with a new E. coli strain, and the symptoms are similar to M.Pox, but sometimes a little more serious. The main cause of monkeypox infection is spread by very close contact (of course, infection through water and food is also possible), especially due to close contact with monkeys.

Therefore, MPOX and monkeypox have different causes of infection and transmission routes, so there is a difference in prevention methods. You should try to prevent infection by thoroughly following the prevention rules for each infectious disease.

5. MPOX (Monkey Head Window) Naming

Let me introduce the contents according to the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

MPOX* is an acute rash infectious disease caused by infection with the monkeypox virus and belongs to the Orthopox virus of the poxviridae family.

* The World Health Organization (WHO) adopted 'MPOX' as a new English disease synonym ('22.11.28) and changed the Korean disease name to 'MPOX' ('22.12.14). The virus name will be changed by the International Committee on the Taxonomy of Viruses) in the future to the extent that it does not apply to this recommendation
Mfox was first detected in laboratory breeding monkeys in 1958, and the first case of human infection was reported in the Democratic Republic of the Congo in 1970. Until the 22nd year of the epidemic, it was a endemic disease* that usually occurs in rural rainforests in Central and Western Africa.

* Monkeypox endemic countries: Cameroon, Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Gabon, Ivory Coast, Liberia, Nigeria, Congo, Sierra Leone, South Sudan (only reporting inflow cases), Benin (only reporting inflow cases), Ghana (only identified in animals) are known as Central African and West African countries
Since May 2022, infections that are not related to endemic areas have been unusually prevalent in many countries, mainly Europe and North America, increasing the number of patients and expanding the outbreak area.

In the case of M-Pox patients in Korea, infections caused by personal contact are reported in most cases.

In particular, in the case of MPox infection, the infected person discharges E. coli through feces, which can spread in a contaminated environment. Therefore, direct contact with MPOX patients (of course, feces of infected people, or indirect contact through contaminated water and food) is at high risk of transmission.

In addition, in the case of MPOX, usually more than one infected person occurs at the same time, and it is likely to spread among family members or acquaintances. Therefore, avoiding contact with MPOX patients is one of the precautions, and if you suspect MPOX infection, it is important to visit the hospital immediately for treatment.

Therefore, it is important to prevent MFox to minimize contact with MFox patients, pay special attention to personal hygiene, and maintain an appropriate environment in which microorganisms can reproduce.

It's said to have nothing to do with M.Fox and gay.

6. MPOX treatment rate and fatality rate

Since two years, the West African family of Mfox (monkeypox), which has occurred mainly in Europe and North America, mostly heal naturally after two to four weeks, with a fatality rate reported to be less than 1%.

※ Severe may be high in immunocompromised children, children under the age of 8, eczema history, pregnancy and breastfeeding.
※ The fatality rate of Mpox (monkey head lice) of Central African descent, which occurs mainly in endemic countries, is reported to be about 10%
